Provender Brown Perth Deli
Inverawe Smoked Salmon Fish & Seafoods
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Inverawe Smoked Salmon

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Truly traditionally smoked salmon follows a process that dates back some 2,500 to 3000 years. Fish was smoked slowly over smouldering oak logs in brick kilns. When we started smoking fish back in the 1970s our aim was to try and stick to the traditional smoking methods dating back as they do. We smoke our fish in our own brick kilns over slow burning oak logs. The process is one that can take anywhere between 36 to 72 hours - it is entirely dependant on wind, humidity, precipitation and temperature. The salmon is ready only when it is ready and it’s up to our master smokers to know instinctively when the fish can be removed from the kilns where it has both smoked as well as cured during this lengthy process. The result is a remarkable, subtle blend of oak smoke and salmon. Time, sustainably sourced fish and local Scottish oak makes for something we are very proud of and something that is consistently awarded for its excellence. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


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