Provender Brown Perth Deli
Pintail Fine Old French Brandy 1993 Other Spirits
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Pintail Fine Old French Brandy 1993

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Pintail, named after the duck with its distinctive pointed tail feathers, was a popular label for award winning sherry between the early 1930s and late 50s. It was created by Perth-based fine wines and spirits merchants Matthew Gloag & Son and sat alongside Brig O' Perth Scotch Whisky in their range.

Recently released is Pintail 1993 Fine Old French Brandy - (it is early landed Grande Champagne Cognac but having spent the last couple of years of maturation outside the Cognac region, we cannot call it such)

Natural mahogany colour with notes of polished oak furniture, cigar box, quince jelly, ripe plums and balsamic acidity.


Christmas Scottish Scottish Drink November 22

You must be over 18 to purchase this. You may not purchase this for anyone under 18.


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